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Learning Theory Graphic Organizer - TCH 130


Updated: Jan 10, 2022

I think connectivism is really important in my teaching platform because feedback is a huge thing for me. I want to give students feedback, and variety in the classroom. I always learned better when I knew I was doing something right and getting feedback, because I didn’t want to learn how to do something incorrectly because then I am not learning what I am supposed to. When they know they are supported, they will perform better, because they know they are able to ask for help and willing to be wrong, which helps learning as well.

Social Interaction Theory and connectivism are also super important because collaborating with others is a huge life skill. It allows students to not be afraid to ask for help, and they can feel comfortable in the classroom. This helps create a sense of community and trust among one another, and helps them to learn because they know they are supported and can ask questions.

I also am someone who learns from repetition, so I think the behaviorism theory works too. I am a huge Quizlet user when I am studying, because it helps to ingrain the information into my brain.

Personally, I am not someone who can benefit a lot from constructivism. I sometimes had a hard time learning new things, from experience. I am not someone who likes change, so I have a hard time learning from new experiences. I like repetition and that helps me to learn better. But, when the same 3 things are rotated, learning is boring, so I think that change can sometimes benefit us.

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1 comentario

13 oct 2021

I think that you had a lot of great information in your graphic organizer. It was impressive with the amount of information that you had you were still able to keep it organized. I also love that you want to keep connectivism in your teaching platform. Throughout my english classes in high school I did not get much feedback which did not make my writing any better. I found it extremely hard to figure out what I was doing wrong so I was consistently getting to same or worse grade on each assignment. Therefore I'm very excited that you want to keep this as such an important part of your teaching platform.

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