One thing I really liked about the PLN was being able to find resources, lesson plans, and conferences. I saw a lot of other teachers talking about lesson plans, and sharing their resources. I looked into the things they shared and I will definitely use them in the future. I also followed some great fellow educators. One I really liked was @heymrsbond. She would ask for advice from other educators, and share lots of resources that she uses. The last thing I really liked from this experience was finding new ideas to keep students involved and invested. I used to get burnt out really easily when we would do the same few things in my classes. Changing up assignments, while still somewhat keeping a bit of a routine because some students do not like changing things up, keeps students on their toes and they enjoy variety.
I enjoyed this challenge because I was able to find new resources that I would not have found. I think that this helped me to connect more to my classmates, and it was really interesting seeing their point of views on the things we were reading. I enjoyed being able to make these connections and interact with my peers on another level. I think there were many advantages to doing this challenge. It definitely allowed me to connect more with my peers, and to gain new insights about the reality of teaching. It showed the parts that we don’t see immediately when we think about majoring in teaching. I think I will definitely continue to use my PLN because in the short time we’ve used it I learned a lot, and it will continue to give me resources I can use when I graduate and finally begin teaching.
I totally agree, I would also like to continue using twitter in the future. I was definitely somewhere to learn valuable information that we can't always read from a textbook. I also think this was a useful resource during covid, not being able to talk to other teachers in person made things challenging. But twitter made this an easier way for everyone to communicate.